about us
Bayside Vegies offers the full range of processed vegetables for hospitals, aged care facilities, clubs, pubs, caterers restaurants and cafes. We can save you money, time and labour, so you can focus on the creative aspects of your business.
We have supplied the Fraser Coast Region for 10 years with top quality freshly prepared vegetables from our HACCP approved production kitchen.
Please check out our products page for the full range of what we can supply to you.
Our team of talented chefs and skilled processors are ready to support your business. Please contact us to find out how we can help you.
Bayside Vegies is a business initiative of Bayside Transformations, Hervey Bay's only residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility.
We are a registered charity and all profits generated by us support Bayside Transformations. That's why these vegies really matter!

P 07 4148 7644 (24hrs)
E admin@baysidevegies.com.au
E claus@baysidevegies.com.au
Please see our product page for the full range of processed vegetables
Click on the logo below to visit the Bayside Transformations website


Hey! These vegies really matter!